How to install Lex on AIX 7.1


I would like to install OpenMotif on an AIX 7.1, but it gave an error of missing lex. How can I install lex on AIX 7.1? Where can I find the package for it?

I got the following error when installing OpenMotif:

Target "includes" is up to date.

including in ./tools/wml...

lex wmllex.l

lex: not found


Posted 2013-10-07T16:11:43.897

Reputation: 1

If you ask a vague question, you’ll get a vague answer. But if you give details and context, users around here can provide a useful answer. – Ashildr – 2013-10-07T16:41:00.517

Updated question will error message. – c0demonkey – 2013-10-07T17:12:58.113



Lex is not available from the aix-toolbox, nor You would be far better off getting any sort of Linux box, even a PC. AIX support for opensource is half-hearted at best.


Posted 2013-10-07T16:11:43.897

Reputation: 1


Lex is part of the standard AIX, you just need to install the bos.adt.utils fileset from your AIX 7 installation media.


Posted 2013-10-07T16:11:43.897

Reputation: 36