Is it good idea to automount partitions on Linux?



I have three partitions: one ext4 for Linux and two ntfs partitions (one for Windows and the other for sharing data).

I am really tired of mounting those separately. Is it good idea to edit fstab to mount those two NTFS partitions?


Posted 2013-10-05T17:38:51.880

Reputation: 750

In Ubuntu, nautilus has an option to click on a device/partition (under the left menu) and it mounts automatically as a normal user (in /media/$USER/). I don't know the program that it uses in the background though.. perhaps udisks?

– Savvas Radevic – 2013-10-06T00:03:04.477



Nothing wrong with mounting your own partitions through ftsab, that's what it's for. Linux has had good support for reading and writing to NTFS for a long time through ntfs-3g. Now I wouldn't recommended automatically mounting your Windows partition unless you have to, since you could accidentally change it's files. If you know what you're doing you should be fine. But for mounting a shared NTFS partition it's perfectly fine. It's a common method of sharing data between the two OS's.

Roberto Gomez

Posted 2013-10-05T17:38:51.880

Reputation: 1 144

2It should be safe to auto-mount the Windows partition in read-only mode. – Scott – 2013-10-05T20:15:11.890

Thanks for the answer. I was concerned, because I have lost my data few times, because I occasionally mess things up but I am comfortable with fstab and as Scott mentioned, I will mount windows partition in read only mode. – khajvah – 2013-10-05T21:47:55.927