Automatic keyboard layout detection on Window 7


I wonder if there is (and where to find it) a tool for Windows 7 similar to the one built-in in Mac OS X, that detects your keyboard layout by pressing a couple of keys in your keyboard.

The automatic keyboard layout detection tool is launched while in the process of installing the Mac OS X system, when the installer detects a keyboard other than the one built-in in the hardware, for what matters.


Posted 2013-10-03T17:58:14.840

Reputation: 345



While not directly detected using your keyboard, it seems that Windows can make an assumption based on location, and can also pass that information to a remote desktop if using RDP.

Additionally, during setup (at least for Win7 and up, not sure about Vista), you are asked to specify your keyboard format.

Lyle Brown

Posted 2013-10-03T17:58:14.840

Reputation: 343

Yes, I saw the options to enter the keyboard format, but wasn't sure about what to select, and there wasn't a text box where to try some keys to see if the selection was right. – rraallvv – 2013-10-03T22:22:48.073