What type of hard disks do netbooks use?


Is there any information on the standard hard disks that netbooks use, are they just standard SATA notebook drives?


Posted 2009-11-03T17:24:27.913

Reputation: 270



Most are using the SATA Hard Disks (2.5")... You can still find some with SSDs, but it seems as though manufacturers have shifted back to the SATA drives in favor of more storage space.

I recently purchased the Toshiba NB205 and am in the process of upgrading the RAM to 2 GB and putting Windows 7 Ultimate on there. I thought about adding a SSD, but I should do that in my primary machine's first...

So to sum this all up... 2.5" SATA Hard Disks seems to be the current standard, but you need to check the specs on the specific models...


Posted 2009-11-03T17:24:27.913

Reputation: 1 178

1do you really believe storage is the reason? i think not. with a SSD you don't have to treat the bloody thing like a raw egg, as it happens with platter hard drives, every bump could be the end of it. speed and robustness is what i prefer, storage is easily expandable. a 32 GB SDHC card or two will go a long way. – None – 2009-11-03T17:44:23.943

1I saw your comment relative to other devices, tend to agree. But they went from 4 and 8 gb drives to 160 and 250... I can only assume that they were getting some backlash for folks saying, but I can't put any movies on there... – RSolberg – 2009-11-03T17:45:41.333

personally i never had a problem with the 4GB disk space on the 701's SSD. some folks have even managed to install windows 7 on it. what's the big deal? if you rip your DVDs to MKV, you easily get 100 movies onto a 32 GB SDHC, right? :) – None – 2009-11-03T18:35:57.490


It depends, currently most laptops have 2.5" SATA HDDs only.

You can have a look at Hard disk drive (Wikipedia) for more information.


Posted 2009-11-03T17:24:27.913

Reputation: 11 615


Most netbooks today use standard 2.5" SATA HDDs.


Posted 2009-11-03T17:24:27.913


1anf if you're asking me, they abandoned SSDs because a silly eee pc 701 with a celery CPU was booting XP in less than 20 secands and starting programs in split seconds ... now this makes other laptops look really really bad! :) – None – 2009-11-03T17:30:37.713

2So it wasn't anything to do with relative cost per mb then? SSDs presently cost a lot more than a hard disk with the same(ish) capacity :) – Olly Hodgson – 2009-11-03T17:46:34.890

you cannot compare the cost per MB. you cannot sell a $200 netbook with a 128 MB SSD, but a 16 GB SSD is actually cheaper than 160 GB platter HDD, the SSD is much faster and you can toss the netbook around without breaking the storage device (not that i advocate reckless handling). as i commented elsewhere, storage is easily expandable with SDHC cards. – None – 2009-11-03T18:32:06.437

1@molly while you're right, the non-super-user doesn't see that; all they see is "160G here, 16G there?" and all they think is "gimme more!" – quack quixote – 2009-11-03T19:03:59.587

ain't that the sad truth? :) – None – 2009-11-03T19:12:24.810