I would like to share my old Laserjet 6P printer (LPT only) in home network. The printer is really old but still working well and enough for our needs.
However I do not want to buy LPT print server as it is more difficult to buy any and in case of printer "death" I will have useless print server.
I would buy and wifi usb print server - box, where you connect a usb printer and it directly shares it using built in wifi.
However I am not sure if I can use my printer with so called USB to DB25 Female Port Print Converter Cable LPT which I can have from Ebay for less than 4 USD and connect it to the usb print server. It would be nice solution but I am not sure if the adapter converts the device into a full-featured usb printer.
What do you think? Would it work?
do you have a computer that is generally always powered on? if so, plug it and install it to that computer and make it shared over the network. – Lorenzo Von Matterhorn – 2013-09-25T09:57:03.897
no, I want to replace a desktop PC with printer - which is currently "shared" - everyone can go there and print - with a small box - print server. – Juhele – 2013-09-25T10:28:18.613