Shortcut to paste text in command prompt



How can I paste a text in command prompt through shortcuts? Normally if we press ctrl + v, it won't paste text on Windows command prompt.

Is there any alternative shortcut or any way I can define a custom shortcut for pasting text in Windows' command prompt?

I already read this question and the answer requires me to install AutoHotkey, which I do not want. Are there any alternatives?

BlueBerry - Vignesh4303

Posted 2013-09-25T06:31:42.460

Reputation: 7 221

Question was closed 2013-09-25T10:49:56.520



If you dont want to use Auto Hotkey, You can use the Alt+Space keyboard combination to bring up the window menu, then hit the E key, and then the P key. This will trigger the menus and paste into the console.

Once you practice this regularly, this wont be much difficult but at start you will have some problems but this works

Fahad Saleem

Posted 2013-09-25T06:31:42.460

Reputation: 662