File sizes ordered by date


If I had FSQL, I would write select size from directory1 order by date. But, I have a Windows and Cygwin. Windows Explorer can sort the items by date but it rounds the file sizes to much. So, I am looking for other options.


Posted 2013-09-23T14:19:05.950

Reputation: 1



Since you have Cygwin, you can do this in the shell of a Cygwin terminal (mintty).

cd directory1
ls -lt

ls will list the files in the current directory, directory1. The -l option will use the long form for display, which includes file sizes, and the -t option will sort according to modification time. Use

man ls

to find more details on these and other options.


Posted 2013-09-23T14:19:05.950

Reputation: 29 085