Privileges for installing executables with nsis


I think this question suits better superuser than stackoverflow.

I need to write an installer for some executables. The user might copy them wherever he wants but usually this is performed in C:\Program Files\MyProgram

If there's visual studio installed I also need to copy something to system32 (and that requires admin rights I suppose).

Does that make sense to support normal users and admin users? I mean: if I need to install something I always need admin rights, is this correct?

Marco A.

Posted 2013-09-19T07:15:12.737

Reputation: 275

You don't always need Administrator permissions to install a program, it entirely depends, on what the group policy is. – Ramhound – 2013-09-19T11:43:19.083

Group policy for what? For what the program does? – Marco A. – 2013-09-19T11:45:04.820

There is a group policy that handles if if an Administrator permission escalation is required. If that is not turned on, additionally, a program can or cannot require Administrator permissions to be installed. Adding a file to System32 is trivial with the installer of your choice, it requires escalation in nearly all solutions, but every single solution I have tried provide a simople and straight forward way of moving a file into the System32 folder ( although thats actually incorrect behavior ). – Ramhound – 2013-09-19T11:49:25.653



Since this appears to be a question about NSIS, take a look at RequestExectutionLevel and the UAC plug-in. Program Files/Program Files (x86) and the Windows folders both require admin rights.


Posted 2013-09-19T07:15:12.737

Reputation: 1 200