How can I access the local phone contents on a Windows Phone 7.5 (Samsung Omnia W) without connecting the Zune? Is it possible to tweak the Windows Registry to do the same? Please help me.
How can I access the local phone contents on a Windows Phone 7.5 (Samsung Omnia W) without connecting the Zune? Is it possible to tweak the Windows Registry to do the same? Please help me.
For future readers: you can...sort of. You can at least download/upload photo's and video, but music is a bit more difficult; it won't be recognized as an album from an artist.
See the link below:
See also: http://windowsphone.stackexchange.com/q/316/106
– Rowland Shaw – 2014-08-27T14:36:54.0032Your can't. You might be able to find an alternative if you upgrade the phone to 7.8. – Ramhound – 2013-09-10T11:59:54.873