CMS functionality for OpenERP 7


I'm looking for a CMS module for OpenERP 7. What I need is a way to create public pages, which are "decoupled" from the standard OpenERP layout. What I mean by this is that the pages should look like any page (think Wordpress/Joomla!) and not like an OpenERP module.

Oh, and I'm not looking for a wiki or anything like that. Think public website tool for a small company.

Nalle Rooth

Posted 2013-09-02T12:06:18.427

Reputation: 23

Question was closed 2013-09-05T12:52:14.567

Hi, welcome. We don't do webapps such as OpenERP here. You're better of asking this kind of question on (where it will likely be migrated) or on an OpenERP user forum. Please read [ask] before asking a question next time. – user 99572 is fine – 2013-09-02T21:13:48.787

Thank you for your response. I'll look into the How To Ask document. Perhaps the tag 'openerp' should be removed, if you don't support it? – Nalle Rooth – 2013-09-03T07:16:56.183



There is a cms module in openerp 8. Not released, but it runs See their blog for details, post about the launch of version 7:


Posted 2013-09-02T12:06:18.427

Reputation: 126

1While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes. – Mokubai – 2013-09-02T23:32:48.393