I'm using Linux Mint 15. I'm using the keyboard shortcut "Super_L" to open the Mint menu of the Mate desktop.
Now I want to use for example the shortcut "Super_L+1" to open a terminal window. I went to Menu->Control Center->Keyboard Shortcuts and assigned the proper key combination to "Open a terminal window". It shows up as "Mod4+1".
Having done that, pressing "Super_L+1" has this strange behavior: 1st press: opens mint menu 2nd press: opens terminal 3rd press: opens mint menu ...
The shortcut works every other key press which is very annoying. Is there a way to reliably use such shortcuts?
I only found this thread which mentions the same issue but doesn't give a working solution http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=31550
1I haven't found any better answer either so I'll accept yours. It's too bad though there's no other way! – bernie – 2013-11-30T04:55:17.107