How to save Bandwidth used on Firefox


My ISP is charging me per GB for download. I need some solution to save Web pages on firefox and when I open page again, FF load it from cache offline.

Wasim A.

Posted 2013-08-25T16:41:08.663

Reputation: 299

Per GB on the GB? – Austin T French – 2013-08-25T17:32:30.887

Disable automatic image downloading. – Breakthrough – 2013-08-26T13:37:34.647



Squid proxy. Set that up on a computer and configure firefox to use it. It will cache as much as you allow it based on hard drive usage.


Posted 2013-08-25T16:41:08.663

Reputation: 11 200

@WasimA. It can't cache https, not without performing a mitm attack to the client (yourself), in this "https era" your best bet is maxing out Firefox's own cache size. – MGP – 2018-12-07T15:54:30.860

is there exist any good addons – Wasim A. – 2013-08-25T16:45:50.840

@Wasim addons for what specifically? – cybernard – 2013-08-25T16:47:57.693

that can cache contents and load content offline, specially images – Wasim A. – 2013-08-25T16:49:46.250

@Wasim It should cache everything even downloads and images. From the website "Squid is a fully-featured HTTP/1.0 proxy which is almost (but not quite - we're getting there!) a fully-featured HTTP/1.1 proxy." – cybernard – 2013-08-25T16:55:23.593

it was harder to configure, took my 2 hours. I suggest not to change the default directory to c:\squid. it will take your time. and you can not use path with space like d:\program file\squid. it will not accept space – Wasim A. – 2013-09-07T07:36:37.457

@Wasim did you try quoting the path "d:\program file\squid"? Without quotes programs will not accept spaces. – cybernard – 2013-09-07T15:34:52.193

i have, but it failed – Wasim A. – 2013-09-10T15:10:59.400

can any one of explain another squid issue. How to cache https web content using squid. I found squid 2.7 is not caching websites with https – Wasim A. – 2013-09-10T20:04:55.500


Besides having static files cached, here are a few things you can do to conserve bandwidth:


Posted 2013-08-25T16:41:08.663

Reputation: 2 260


  • use "text mode" browsing
    • force firefox into "text mode" with the addon html content blocker
    • use a text browser that will only download HTML.
      i like the "links" text browser cos it can show images in "graphics mode" = links -g
  • use an "image compressor" proxy to convert images to low quality.
    for example: firefox-addon bandwidth hero
    and compressor-proxy bandwidth hero proxy
    • for low security needs, deploy a free proxy at
    • for high security needs, set up your own "compressor proxy" on an unlimited connection
  • use a "data compressor" proxy to compress all uncrypted data:
    HTML, images, [audio?], [video?]. crypted data [over HTTPS] is not compressed.
    to also compress crypted data, run a proxy on your own hardware on an unlimited connection.
    then you also have full control over the compression algorithm.
    for example, you could use html2text to convert HTML to Markdown,
    to get "plain text" with minimal formatting and hyperlinks.
    in numbers: this page is compressed from 140 KByte to 30 KByte = 80% decrease.
  • use an adblocker addon like AdBlock Plus or AdGuard
  • request "light" versions of websites. the implementation is server dependent.
    • with the addon user-agent switcher to send a custom user-agent header, for example "mobile / android phone"
    • with the addon save-data: on to send the save-data: on header. this seems to be ignored by most websites
  • avoid "web interfaces" and use "fat clients" aka "apps"

Mila Nautikus

Posted 2013-08-25T16:41:08.663

Reputation: 11

That doesn't address the question about Firefox and cache. – RalfFriedl – 2019-08-24T09:19:57.473