How to export PGP key (in clear text?)?


I created a set of PGP keys in Kleopatra using GPG4Win. I want to use my private and public keys to encrypt and decrypt emails with this Chrome extension: I imported the public key fine, but it seems that the extension also needs the private key. I am wondering how to export the private key (in plain text I guess) so that I can use it in the extension. I can't believe I have been unable to find a solution for this on my own, so any help is deeply appreciated. Thank you.


Posted 2013-08-23T01:56:20.183

Reputation: 21



The following should do the trick:

$ gpg --armor --export-secret-keys 0x<keyid>

Andreas Wiese

Posted 2013-08-23T01:56:20.183

Reputation: 1 911