I have an HP laptop computer running Windows 8. It was purchased in the NORWAY and is in NORWEGIAN. I need to use English and have the entire system language be English. Can I change this myself or do I need to purchase Windows 8 in English and install that on the laptop?
You don't need to purchase an english version. You can change it using language settings http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/-/9780735670952/4dot-customizing-windows-8/id679819
– Khaleel – 2013-08-22T05:07:40.3731@Khaleel you should post this as answer. – magicandre1981 – 2013-08-22T18:13:44.753
@Khaleel I encourage you to type in your comment as asnwer, you'll just get the right answer. – diegoaguilar – 2013-08-24T04:54:49.710