Find partition letters on physical drives using wmic


I am looking for a way to list drives and the partitions on them. Specifically I am looking to prompt a user for a drive to format and I want to show them the exists partitions so they can confirm their choice.

I have found the wmic commands to list disk drives, logical disks, partitions, and volumes but I can not find a way associate the volumes to physical drives.

I also found a powershell script that does what I want. The script uses gwmi and I don't know how to convert the commands into wmic.

Is there a way to get a list of volumes on a physical disk using wmic?


Posted 2013-08-21T16:16:48.480

Reputation: 157



The wmic command is a bit different then either the VB or Powershell syntax.

The relevant syntax for wmic is:

wmic <command> where <conditional> Assoc /assocclass:<class>

Specifically to solve the task above:

wmic DiskDrive where "DeviceID='\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE<disk_index>'" Assoc /assocclass:Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition

Will return the partitions on the drive with the given index.

wmic partition where (DeviceID="<partition_id>") assoc /assocclass:Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition

Will return the volumes on the partition with the given id.


Posted 2013-08-21T16:16:48.480

Reputation: 157