Access a shared folder from Android


i have a NAS (SilverStore 2-Drive NAS) in which i store all my FullHD video recordings.

The NAS shares the folders as public.

In fact from my windows 8 pc i can access them using Windows Explorer at this address:


I have an Android mini pc connected to my TV and I would like to access my videos from there.

Anyway when I try with Android Explorer is found as a network place, but if i try to open it it says "try another username/password?"

How to access from Android a shared folder that from Windows is seen as public?


Posted 2013-08-18T18:33:28.580

Reputation: 165

What's "Android Explorer"? Do you mean the default Web browser? Have you tried a file system app like ASTRO or ES File Explorer? – ale – 2013-08-19T00:38:42.630

This might be helpful: Access PC using tablet

– ale – 2013-08-19T12:21:06.747

What is the protocol? SMB, NFS? Try Es file explorer? Or search google play for a network media player until you find one that uses the file sharing protocol your NAS is using so you can directly browse the network location from the media player. – Damon – 2013-08-20T08:15:40.903

@Damon it is SMB, but i found a way to access, see my own answer – user193655 – 2013-08-29T07:31:34.253

@AlEverett By "explorer" i mean the an app called "Eplorer" (wtih white icon made of paper boxes) that was alerady installed on my device. It is a tool to browse local folders, sd cards, usb and network places. – user193655 – 2013-08-29T07:33:10.277

Ah. That must be specific to the Android mini-pc. – ale – 2013-08-29T09:58:46.413



After trial and error I found the solution.

The protocol was SMB so to access a public file i found out i had to type user guest and passsword guest.

After that it worked.

And on next connection attempts i could also login using the "anonymous" flag in the login screen. I don't know if this a bug of the Explorer (this is the name) app i am using, anyway my problem was solved by using guest/guest.


Posted 2013-08-18T18:33:28.580

Reputation: 165