3 partitions, cloning to larger disk; preserve GRUB?


I've got a 10 GB ext3 partition, a ~512 MB linux-swap partition, and a 45.4 GB NTFS partition. I have GRUB doing my bootloading.

I'm looking to clone it all to a new 160 GB hard drive I got today and then expand my NTFS partition to the top (presumably with GParted). I have Clonezilla - will this work well for getting everything across, including GRUB?

Also to note - I have a 160 GB drive in an enclosure that I can remove it from - it's my backup drive of sorts and I have around 60 GB free on it.


Posted 2009-10-30T21:34:57.020

Reputation: 3 966

Great. Thanks Molly. Can I get a recommendation (anybody) as to whether I should image the drive and then copy from the image to the new drive or just put the new drive in my enclosure, boot Clonzilla Live and copy across? – Nathaniel – 2009-10-30T21:43:27.347



I have Clonezilla - will this work well for getting everything across, including GRUB?

in a word, yes.

edit: you can create a drive image and then restore the image to the new drive or clone the drive directly. the effect is the same, no difference, none whatsoever. :)


Posted 2009-10-30T21:34:57.020


Thanks. I just added a comment to the question about whether I should image or copy directly. If you got info on that, that would also make me happy. =) – Nathaniel – 2009-10-30T21:44:01.560

I cloned and restored to my new WD Scorpio Blue 160 last night. Sweet barbecue sauce, that thing is fast (compared to my old drive). Everything went pretty smooth. Thanks. – Nathaniel – 2009-11-01T23:41:24.440

well done ... :) – None – 2009-11-02T01:12:28.103