Okay, I've done more than a little homework about this and am starting to think that the world is somehow opposed to this idea.
I have a laptop in my house, SB Core i3 with a GMA HD GPU which is utterly terrible for everything visual, and I would like to stream video from my desktop rig of a 3D nature (ruling out RDP and other hook based protocols).
Most people's first answer to similar threads is either bandwidth or processing power related. I've been trying first and foremost over a Gigabit lan, and my desktop rig has an overclocked 3930k so I am of the opinion that there SHOULD be a balance between CPU grunt and bandwidth that would allow me to get at least 20FPS of fullscreen refresh. So far I cannot using TightVNC, testing by playing a video in fullscreen on the host machine.
So to sum things up, with over 30x the bandwidth of OnLive, how exactly do I create an even choppy level of video feed over LAN in my own home? Is it possible and how?
Have you looked into RemoteFX yet? "RemoteFX delivers a rich user experience for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) by providing a 3D virtual adapter, intelligent codecs, and the ability to redirect USB devices in virtual machines." you might need to buy Server 2012 though. ;)
– Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2013-08-15T19:55:49.723check this project: http://spgt.sourceforge.net/ it allowes to stream a portion of the desktop, and also forwards controls.
– None – 2014-05-05T08:01:52.473