Convert Amiga Oktalyzer format to MIDI



I have some very old audio files from an old DOS game, which are in oktalyzer (.okt) format. I don't know much about the octalyzer format so I'm not sure what these are based on, though, when played through WinAmp, it seems as if they are playing over MIDI, although, it's quite possible that they use a software based sampler.

Anyhow, I would like to convert them to MIDI format so that I can import them into a digital audio workstation for editing.

Is this possible, and if so, can anyone offer me advice on how to do this?

Matthew Layton

Posted 2013-08-15T11:27:12.370

Reputation: 586



One way is to use a program to record what your computer is playing.

Search on Google for "record what you hear"; this does exactly that - it will allow your PC to record all the sounds the PC makes.

Here is an example with Audacity (free software, Google it). From Audacity you can save to any file format it offers (wav, mp3 etc).

The issue with this is, if for example whilst recording "what you hear" if a notification sound is played (such as new email) then you will record this sound as well and will have to restart.

Of course, you also need to have the appropriate drivers installed to give you this option. It's more tricky with Vista + but you didn't mention your OS.

Any way, after this, you now have a wav/mp3 file. Now, search Google for "wav to midi" or "mp3 to midi" and see the options, download/pay for one and convert it! This video may help but I can't test it.


Posted 2013-08-15T11:27:12.370

Reputation: 24 199

I know I can do this, it's very easy with Audacity, although I've found that not all sound cards support this feature (higher spec X-Fi cards do, and I have an X-Fi Titanium, so I can do it that way) - BUT - this will record as WAV/MP3...not MIDI, which is the essential point here. – Matthew Layton – 2013-08-15T12:40:47.130

@series0ne, does this not help --- By the way you can download the realtek driver to show the 'what you hear' to get this to work and have it running on the same machine... just change the driver required (so you can use the onboard sound card)...

– Dave – 2013-08-15T12:44:34.463

Either way, a quick Google of 'wav to midi' or 'mp3 to midi' should bring you up the results. By the way, I can't test the video so apologies if it isn't right! – Dave – 2013-08-15T12:52:24.130

I've used WAV to MIDI converters before, but they are not accurate as WAV is sampled, whereas MIDI is synthesised, so converting from a sample based audio to a synthesiser based audio requires some "magical software" - It seems more appropriate to convert OKT directly to MID as both formats are synthesised. – Matthew Layton – 2013-08-15T12:56:37.163