I'm developing an ASP classic site under Windows 7 (form a queue ladies). The problem is IIS seems to be heavily making use of its cache for both static and dynamic content which really conflicts with my 'make a small change, alt-tab, hit ctrl-F5' development style. Changes made to .asp files may take two or three refreshes to show up where as changes to .js files can take 20 times as many. How do I go about turning the caching off on my development machine?
in b4 stop using asp classic
This sorted out my issue with caching the responses from a WCF service as well – ste-fu – 2015-12-09T16:40:53.000
You just made my day William. Thanks for that, it totally fixed my issue. Cheers! – alexGIS – 2019-05-09T22:21:39.073