Im trying to configure the Language Bar (the language switcher in the systray which appears whan you have multiple input languages installed) for our users.
I can easily add new languages using regkeys below HKCU, but the problem is that the user has to relogin or reboot his computer to see the effect.
The keys i use (im writing them with an active setup) are in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout\Preload" below that key are name/values of the type REG_SZ.
Usually there are already keys like "1"="0000407" "2"="0000409" which means the user has German and English keyboard layout installed, if i want to add, lets say italian, i would add the key "3"="0000410". after the next logoff/login the change is visible to the user.
now what i already tried is sending various windows messages, like WM_SETTINGCHANGE or the "RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters" command. but no usefull result so far.
im running out of ideas here, making hundreds of users logoff/logon wouldn't be so great :/
i also thought of automating mouseclicks (e.g. with autoit), but that usually causes more trouble than it does any good.
have you tried AutoIt (http://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/)?
– magicandre1981 – 2013-08-09T17:55:54.833