Set hyperlinks and anchors on libreoffice



In word you could select a sentence and set an anchor on it, so a hyperlink could reference this part of the document. Is this feature possible under Libreoffice Writer?


Posted 2013-08-04T16:13:06.807

Reputation: 33



Yes, you can set a "bookmark" and use it as target for a hyperlink. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Select the "anchor" sentence or word;

  2. Set a bookmark on it: Menu Insert -> Bookmark...; in the dialogue, set a distinct name for the new bookmark:

    Insert Bookmark

  3. Select the sentence or word that should point to the bookmark previously created;

  4. Set a hyperlink on the selection: Menu Insert -> Hyperlink; the Hyperlink Dialogue will appear:

    Insert Hyperlink

  5. In the column of hyperlink targets at the left, make sure that Document is selected; also, make sure that the Path text field is empty so the hyperlink points to the current document;

  6. Set the hyperlink target: either enter the Bookmark name preceded by a #, or hit the Target in document button to select the bookmark from a tree view:

    Set target

    Target from document

    Insert hyperlink


Posted 2013-08-04T16:13:06.807

Reputation: 8 627