How to enable the "middle" button of Apple's new Magic Mouse?



The Magic Mouse seems to be a vast improvement over the old Mighty Mouse after using it for a few hours. However, I just discovered that there seems to be no way to execute a "middle" click.

I use middle-click all the time to open Safari windows in new tabs. Is there a way to enable a middle-click equivalent with the Magic Mouse?


Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557

Reputation: 977

6I drooled over this mouse the first time I saw it, but without middle click, I have no interest in it anymore. – Peter Di Cecco – 2009-10-29T21:33:54.150

10To new people answering: please read the FAQ ( This is not a forum, this is a place to provide answers to questions. Avoid posting answers with only your personal opinion. – Gnoupi – 2009-11-04T10:02:38.647

13Guys, it took them 20 years to put a right button on their mice-- give them time. – MiffTheFox – 2009-11-09T20:49:50.967



Here are two utilities that will allow you to customize gestures on the Magic Mouse, including adding middle click:


Better Touch Tool

Jay Hofacker

Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557

Reputation: 776

1+1 for MagicPrefs! Love the 4-finger click for bringing up Spaces (customizable of course) – phatblat – 2011-05-18T19:18:52.433

finally -- i have my third mouse button. magicprefs is great! – harald – 2012-01-26T17:09:34.173

7MagicPrefs for the win. I had trouble with Middleclick – emmby – 2010-01-04T18:35:03.640


If you are using the middle click just for opening links in a new tab in Safari, you can do so by pressing cmd while clicking.


Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557



Try this software: middleclick

Works really well for me on my 2 year old G5 running 10.5.


Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557


Great suggestion! I just tried MiddleClick with my Magic Mouse and it seems to work great! – emmby – 2009-11-11T18:00:27.477

1Changed my mind after using Middleclick for awhile. Middleclick kept registering spurious clicks for me. MagicPrefs (see Jay's response) seems to work better. – emmby – 2010-01-04T18:36:10.520



Maybe later Apple or a third-part app will provide an update to add more feature.


Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557

Reputation: 3 448

Downvote because this is not true; see +Left Mouse answers here. – Stew – 2016-02-16T18:08:55.860


MagicPrefs seems not to work with the new Apple Magic Mouse 2 (MLA02LL/A), when you try to customize the behavior of it, it shows a message indicating that the magic mouse was not detected.

BetterTouchTool was the winner in my case, working on OS "El Capitan".


Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557

Reputation: 83


I found this question when looking for Middle Mouse emulation when using iTerm2, where it is mapped to 'Paste from clipboard' by default. For others who use iTerm2, it is possible to emulate this behavior with a custom mapping in Preferences > Pointer.


Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557

Reputation: 990


The +Left Mouse quite often performs an action equivalent to Middle Mouse in many applications.


Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557

Reputation: 21

The option+LeftMouse works in my TotalView. – alex – 2015-08-21T21:00:10.257

I confirm that clicking on a link using +Left Mouse works like Middle Mouse (opens link in a new tab) in Safari, Firefox and Chrome on OS X. – Stew – 2016-02-16T17:55:00.087

super-L click? Please explain. – suspectus – 2013-07-18T21:20:45.587


I use expogesture on my Magic Mouse as I had missed expose, and the extra buttons mighty mouse had greatly. You can designate "mouse gestures" and assign the Function keys (or any mapped keys really). Works on Snow Leopard using the 10.4 download. Just make sure your expose/dashboard/show desktop shortcut keys are mapped in system preferences. I have the clockwise swipe assigned as "show all windows" and counter-clockwise swipe assigned as "show desktop". Kinda like a "wax on, wax off" type of thing. Hope that helps!


Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557

Reputation: 21


10 years later, 3rd party apps are still required for an actual middle click capability with the Magic Mouse (or any Apple Trackpad). Perhaps we will have to wait another 10 years for something built into macOS.

Until then, I have a couple more options to add to this list that I've developed (mind that they are not free).

Multitouch is an app for adding trackpad and Magic Mouse gestures to macOS, and middle clicking is one of the available actions that can be tied to a gesture.

Middle is a slimmer version of Multitouch, with the single purpose of adding middle click capability via a few select trackpad or Magic Mouse gestures.

In terms of free solutions, the mentioned open source MiddleClick app has been updated for Catalina in this fork:

My app, Middle, has a few key differences from MiddleClick-Catalina.

  • It has built in settings for launch at login and hiding the menu bar icon
  • It has a force touch gesture option for trackpad
  • It has a “one finger in the center” gesture option for Magic Mouse
  • Up and down parts of the click are synced with physical clicks instead of being executed after the up. This is important on CAD types of applications where you can pan using middle click.

I wrote Middle using Swift code from the mentioned Multitouch app. No code from MiddleClick-Catalina was used to build Middle.

It's also worth noting that MagicPrefs hasn't been supported in many years.

Ryan H

Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557

Reputation: 121


Try this:

and assign the new "middle click" to Expose or whatever function you'd like to have.


Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557



I use BetterTouchTool (a 64bit app), and have middle click configured as a two finger tap, works extremely well and feels natural in Safari. The others I have are: Show Desktop - three finger tap Application switcher - single finger middle tap Spaces - single finger middle click Expose - three finger click

That's the main things I want, and they all work extremely well, hardly any false readings, no lag.


Posted 2009-10-29T20:58:59.557
