How to manage multiple e-mail accounts offline?


  • I have several email accounts that feed into GMail.
  • I would like to have a local client that reads (POP3 probably. Yes, I know about IMAP) the GMail and permits replies using my "regular" accounts.
  • I don't want the "enterprise" type apps that include IM, scheduling, etc; I'm looking for efficiency.

The goal is, on my laptop, to be able to suck in my day's email and then be able to write up replies, then when I'm at a hotspot, I can push out the replies.

Not very fancy; pretty much '96 email client functionality. :-)

Paul Nathan

Posted 2009-10-29T18:58:10.003

Reputation: 1 616

Question was closed 2018-12-20T19:55:09.613



With Thunderbird you can use multiple identities. That should do what you want.


Posted 2009-10-29T18:58:10.003

Reputation: 343


I suggest you use google gears for GMail. You can setup all your other accounts within GMail so you can send as them, and with gears (watch the video), you get offline support to send/receive messages.

It works very well and seems to meet all your requirements.

Michael Haren

Posted 2009-10-29T18:58:10.003

Reputation: 729

please don't suggest to google something. provide links, tips, tutorials, etc. (and credit the source if applicable) – None – 2009-10-29T20:22:31.300

2I'm not suggesting the user do a google search for the answer. The tool to solve this problem is called google gears – Michael Haren – 2009-10-29T21:11:15.227

1Moral: know your Google services. :p – Nathaniel – 2009-10-29T22:16:46.560


You could d/l the Windows Live Mail client, which is free, and seems to do what you want. But then again, so does the Windows Mail client that came with your Vista system, so there must be another consideration.

I solved a similar problem by just using my Android phone with gmail, though it is a pain to type on.


Posted 2009-10-29T18:58:10.003

Reputation: 2 968

The general consideration I have is "efficient", "small", "not gadgety". – Paul Nathan – 2009-10-29T20:12:11.913