Outlook 2010 Quick Steps "mark as read" action: new mail notification still shows in system tray


Hopefully my title says it all:
I created a Quick Steps shortcut to

  1. Mark a message as read, then
  2. Move to a specified folder.

It does all that.

But, the new mail notification still appears in my system tray. I then have to open & close the message to make the system tray notification disappear. It completely defeats the purpose of a "Quick step".

Q: Is there any way to prevent the new mail icon?


Posted 2013-08-01T01:25:38.293

Reputation: 9



You could always customize the notification area to "Hide Icon and Notifications" for Outlook, that way you'll never see the icon or notification.


Posted 2013-08-01T01:25:38.293

Reputation: 668

Ya, I know, thanks, but that way I'll never know if new mail is there unless I deliberately go to Outlook to look :\ – dannwebb – 2013-08-01T22:43:46.273

Then I'm not sure what you're trying to prevent from showing up. Are you talking about the little envelope that is in the system tray? – Sorean – 2013-08-01T22:58:30.220

Yes, that. I don't want to create a rule that deals with this particular email without me knowing, because I do need to see them when they come in. Hence the Quick Step process. I see it, I select it, I "Quick Step" it (which marks it as read and files it away). But then the icon in my sys tray still sits there even though I've dealt with the only mail that has come in. – dannwebb – 2013-08-02T04:43:49.650

Instead of a quick step, why don't you use a rule? When a message arrives and you use a rule to move and mark it as read, you don't get a notification of the message. That way, only messages that aren't ruled off show up with notifications. – Sorean – 2013-08-02T05:14:53.550

But wouldn't a Rule mean that the message will be marked/moved without me seeing/knowing? I need to at least see that this particluar type of message has arrived, but then just need a quick way to deal with it. – dannwebb – 2013-08-02T05:50:46.817

Yes, that what the rule would do. So you want to be notified so you can deal with the message, but then you don't want the notification icon to tell you that you need to deal with it? What you are asking for is very confusing. – Sorean – 2013-08-02T15:16:07.917

Then I'm not explaining myself very well. I apologise. Yes I want to see that this message has come in, yes I want to deal with it, but once it's dealt with I want the notification in the sys tray to go away. What happens right now is I see the mail, I deal with it, but the notification still sits down there. Why doesn't it go away when the mail has been marked as read and moved to another folder?? – dannwebb – 2013-08-06T00:03:23.473

It's happened to others as well: social.technet.microsoft.com...

– dannwebb – 2013-08-06T01:29:01.153

It was also mentioned by someone here at superuser.com who has a different issue (but still mentions the sticky notification icon)

– dannwebb – 2013-08-06T01:35:38.740