How to show times and dates in Outlook 2013 "received" column?



I upgraded to Outlook 2013, and missing the 2010 display of date and time in "received" column.
In 2013 it shows either time or date (for older emails), but not both.

Any idea how to restore to 2010 date and time view of the column?


Posted 2013-07-31T17:52:40.583

Reputation: 387



  • Right click on the Received column header
  • Click View settings
  • Click Format columns
  • Choose Received from Available Fields
  • Pick the format you want.


Posted 2013-07-31T17:52:40.583

Reputation: 1 440

4The "Format columns" options let you choose how to show a date, or how to show a time, but there is no option showing both date & time. – Doug_Ivison – 2014-08-06T22:06:40.977

4From a comment by a deleted user on another answer: Once you are on the final window with the Format drop-down menu, scroll up until you see the option for date and time. I don't know if it's true. – Arjan – 2017-06-02T12:52:41.233

Dammit! it is there if you scroll up. Outlook 2016. spent far too long on this. – rob – 2017-10-19T08:29:45.877


  • Go to View tab Click on 'View Settings' button (second from the left)
  • Click 'Format Columns'
  • In 'Available Fields' on the left highlight 'Received'
  • From the 'Format' drop-down menu, choose how you want it displayed. I have Tue 8/12/2014 12:45 PM selected.
  • Click OK
  • Click OK again.


Posted 2013-07-31T17:52:40.583

Reputation: 91


However, the answer by trpt4him does not allow you to show the seconds.
This SU answer shows a way to do show them.

  1. Create a new, custom column, as outlined here.
  2. Then use this formula: Format([Received],"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")
    This shows as:

    2014-08-22 10:59:03


Posted 2013-07-31T17:52:40.583

Reputation: 341


None of these methods were working. I tried them all. In the column showing the list of current emails in the folder, I found no way to change the defaulted method the Outlooks shows the sent date/time. It is always the time for current day, day and hour/min for yesterday, and day/date only for anything older than that. No matter how I changed the formatting for the SENT display, it would not change. Creating a custom column did not work as Outlook would not show the created column. I did finally stumble on one thing. In the current shown email header, there is an arrow carot on the bottom right of the header. If you click it to expand the header to maximum size, then you can get the formatting of the sent date/time in the header to match what you need. But only in the current open email in the read pane.

Robert Thompson

Posted 2013-07-31T17:52:40.583

Reputation: 21


I wanted to change this too.

I right clicked atop the Received column area Went into View Settings Other Settings... Under Column Headings and Rows at the top I un-ticked Automatic Column Sizing.

The day, date, month year and time all just popped up then for me. Didn't have to widen any columns or anything.


Posted 2013-07-31T17:52:40.583

Reputation: 11


Unfortunately, the answer given by trpt4him doesn't work: the "Format columns" options let you choose how to show a date, or how to show a time, but there is no option showing both.

A partial solution: change the reading pane.

Leave the "Format columns" option at the default ("Best fit"). Click "View", then in the "Layout" grouping you'll find "Reading Pane". Set that to Bottom, or to Off. Then, resize the "RECEIVED" column, so it's large enough that "Best fit" will always include the day, date, and time.

(For the record, other options that may seem obvious: drag & shrink the reading page to give "Best fit" more room, or right-click the desktop, select "screen resolution", and set the monitor size to larger numbers.)


Posted 2013-07-31T17:52:40.583

Reputation: 129

2Actually, the answer given by trpt4him can show date and time. Once you are on the final window with the Format drop-down menu, scroll up until you see the option for date and time. – None – 2014-11-03T21:48:06.327


Easy fix for me that wasn't any of the above!

Got to the ribbon tab "View". Click the icon with 2 gears "View Settings". On the popup click "Columns" and under the option "Mazimum number of lines in compact mode" change the number from "2" to "3". BOOM. Times and dates show up on the list and in the reading pane.


Posted 2013-07-31T17:52:40.583

Reputation: 1


After your upgrade from Outlook 2010 to 2013, you should reset your view settings and your good

View » Current View » Customize current View » Reset Current View


Posted 2013-07-31T17:52:40.583

Reputation: 1