Update to Ubuntu 9.10 from Ubuntu 9.04



Possible Duplicate:
How to upgrade from Ubuntu 9.04 to Ubuntu 9.10

What are the steps to follow to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 as seamless as possible?

I have just installed 9.04 and although it was pretty easy, I don't want to do a clean installation of it to upgrade to 9.10 ( I would have to backup what I've done etc )


You said there should be a button, there it is:

alt text


Posted 2009-10-29T15:11:46.090

Reputation: 3 691

Question was closed 2012-06-24T03:30:39.150

How do you do the rollback? – The Green Frog – 2010-01-21T19:30:10.503

I might need to because the wireless isn't working – The Green Frog – 2010-01-21T19:31:36.617

@Dynamic I : Ouh.. pretty "rudimentary" :( I insert the Ubuntu 9.04 disc and click on installl :( That erased everything and now I enjoy staying on 9.04, the sound, graphics, wireless, everything works just fine. – OscarRyz – 2010-01-25T20:13:25.027

There are probably different PPAs, you could get rid of the newer ones, replace the older ones, and then do su apt-get update && su apt-get dist-upgrade – Rob – 2011-09-22T04:09:28.663

BTW if anyone is interested on this, I did rollback the upgrade because the graphics effects were not working as they did on 9.04 :( – OscarRyz – 2009-12-08T19:01:09.523



Click the system Menu Go to Administration and Click on update manager there should be a button to click to upgrade to 9.10. I upgraded to the RC through this method and everything works as it should, be warned this process takes a bit of time to complete.


Posted 2009-10-29T15:11:46.090

Reputation: 428


Read this official manual. It'll help you.


Posted 2009-10-29T15:11:46.090

Reputation: 490


Go to System -> Administration -> Update Manager and just click "Upgrade". This should not cause you any troubles.

I haven't upgraded myself though, and I'll wait at least a month. Of course somebody will need to be the first, but if you're not in a hurry, and your current system runs fine, then you may just as well wait a bit. Unless there's something in the new release which you'd like to use, of course.

Note that a fresh installation of 9.10 allows you to use the ext4 file system. With an upgrade this is not possible of course. You can also convert ex3 to ex4 in place, but this is more of a hassle. There is a bug report about corruption of large files when using ext4 though, so anyone doing a fresh install I'd recommend to not use the default ext4, but instead stick with ext3, one more time.


Posted 2009-10-29T15:11:46.090

Reputation: 5 946