Is there a way to define a default Tab Title on ConEmu?


When a new console is created in ConEmu, its tab is named ConEmu version [processorArchitecture] (e.g. ConEmu 130722 [64]), unless created using the -cur-console:t:TabName command-line argument.

I tried looking in the Settings dialog, but I couldn't find any way to specify a default title for new tabs, if they are created, for example, by running "cmd.exe" from the Windows Run dialog (and, of course, having the Force ConEmu as default terminal for console applications setting turned on).

Is there any way of setting this? Maybe through the registry, or via some undocumented setting or option?

EDIT: I found a possible way -- setting it on the Tab templates, in the Features\Tabs setup page.

This won't actually set the default Tab Title (i.e., if I use "%s" on the template, I'll still get the default title I mentioned above), but it will cause the Tab button to show whatever was set in the template, which was the original intent.


Posted 2013-07-26T16:32:25.943

Reputation: 121

What do you want to see in default tab name? – Maximus – 2013-07-26T19:30:41.273

Nothing specific... something like "Console", for example. It would be interesting to be able to customize that default name somewhere in the Settings, though. – Cobra – 2013-07-27T23:24:51.180

Are you sure this problem exist in current Preview and Alpha builds? If so, run ConEmu /log, reproduce the problem with tab title, make screenshot and attach screenshot and produced log files. – Maximus – 2013-09-21T23:02:14.107

I've been using the workaround I mentioned in my edit, so I haven't really tested beyond that. And I didn't think it was a problem or a bug to begin with, just a "nice-to-have" feature. I'd mark this question as answered if there were any answers to it, but there aren't... :) – Cobra – 2013-09-23T05:23:22.950

That is looks like a bug, actually. Or I've misunderstand you. "ConEmu version" may be displayed during initialization only. After that, it changes to starting command line. By design. That is why I asked about screenshot and log. – Maximus – 2013-09-23T09:08:21.703

I tried running ConEmu with logging, but something very strange happened: if I simply run ConEmu, I get the "ConEmu version [processorArchitecture]" title on the tabs; however, using the ConEmu /log command-line, the tabs correctly show the path to cmd.exe. Here's a screenshot anyway.

– Cobra – 2013-09-25T00:25:57.483

Really strange. Can you describe how do you start these two tabs? Anyway, logs may help. Also, if you can create memory dumps of ConEmu64 and ConEmuC64 processes (when tab title bug appears), and send them via dropbox (for example), that would be great. – Maximus – 2013-09-25T07:40:47.527

I start the tabs by using the "Create new «cmd.exe» console" hotkey (Ctrl+T in my current config). If I start the tab with Win+W, the title shows the path to cmd.exe, however. I've managed to reproduce the issue in one tab while running ConEmu64 /log, so I've put everything together (full memory dumps for ConEmu64 and ConEmu64C and the logs) here, in a 7-Zip file. Let me know if the file disappears before you can get it, and I'll upload it to a more reliable location. :D

– Cobra – 2013-09-27T04:53:57.957

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