Is it possible to reference a values column in a calculated field


I've created a pivot table in excel that has two value fields. Both are SUMs of their target columns. I want to create a calculated field that divides the first value field by the second.

Is that possible?

Site  | Count | Pop | Ratio 
TX    | 12    | 15  | .8
- AAA | 3     | 4   | .75
- BBB | 5     | 10  | .5
- CCC | 4     | 1   | 4


Posted 2013-07-23T18:50:57.010

Reputation: 223



Just use the results as any other data. Something along the lines of:

=( B2 / C2 )

Where B2 and C2 are cells with the results (sums).

Ярослав Рахматуллин

Posted 2013-07-23T18:50:57.010

Reputation: 9 076