I am a semi-experienced Linux user and I write my software explicitly from command line. If I need a compiler, I simply sudo-apt-get it, if I need to run a code I just execute it from command line and if I need to edit my sourcefiles, I simply use Vim and program from the terminal.
What is the best way to start programming in Windows 8 for free? I am installing a VM which will run linux, but some things like CUDA programming will not work correctly on it.
2There are tons of free C++ compilers for Windows, any one of them would work, the exact configuration required depends on what your trying to do. Visual Express C++ is 100% – Ramhound – 2013-07-22T17:14:29.647
Thanks, I'm looking for more than just C++ however. I need any and all C variants, Fortran, etc. I am wondering if there is a single suite that will allow me to use any compiler for any language and customize my compilation at the same level a Makfile would allow me to do. – drjrm3 – 2013-07-22T17:16:00.973
1MinGW + any text editor. Vim and gvim are available for Windows. Sublime Text 2 is very good if you're OK with GUI, it integrates with MinGW. – gronostaj – 2013-07-22T17:23:39.300
@Laurbert515 - There are paid solutions to compile Fortan I know of no free solution. There are hundreds of tutorals to configure a build server that uses a Makfile. – Ramhound – 2013-07-22T17:31:30.167
Are you implying that you're looking for a command line solution to program for Windows 8? – MDMoore313 – 2013-07-22T17:53:55.547