How can I access unselectable text from windows?


How can I access/copy unselectable text from windows (in Windows 7)?

For example, when a warning/error/info popup box (or window) appear, is there a way to access the text of it (when the text is unselectable)?

I'm wondering if there's a utility or method to possibly access such, sort of like a "DOM Inspector" for a web browser.


The text is in the form of a label, and not any sort of textbox or inputtable text element.


Posted 2013-07-04T22:21:08.270

Reputation: 4 774

Question was closed 2013-07-09T15:46:46.743



If it is a standard dialog box, you can press Ctrl+C to copy the title, contents, and the available buttons (OK, Cancel).


Posted 2013-07-04T22:21:08.270

Reputation: 2 575

Mind = BLOWN. Where has this tip been all my life? Thanks! – Coldblackice – 2013-07-05T18:58:35.247


Try Password Viewer

Drag and drop where you want it to reveal text.

Homer Simpsons

Posted 2013-07-04T22:21:08.270

Reputation: 342