When transferring photos from the iPhone to the PC, the photos are not showed by Windows Explorer in the correct orientation, but I know there is some EXIF info in the photo with the orientation information, because Picasa shows them in the correct way.
I have to save them with Picasa, so Windows can show them ok.
Is there some patch or program to correct this behavior?
And http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-pictures/windows-photo-viewer-or-live-photo-gallery-does/a161c8da-c1ce-4347-a92e-724f9e535c15?auth=1
– WBT – 2015-09-19T16:24:42.9101
No idea about how to solve this (if this is even possible) but you're not the only one complaining about this: http://www.windows7taskforce.com/view/1600 .
– Snark – 2009-10-27T12:36:12.763