How to set the default program without the program's icon for an extension


This might not be the best place to ask, but how can I set the default program for an extension while using a custom icon handler from a dll? I used this tool to show an apk's icon in explorer. I also want to use apks with 7-Zip, but I can't do both at the same time.

I currently have this setup that I just import into the registry, but it doesn't seem to work. Any help?

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Android Package File"










"Android Package File"=hex(0):


Posted 2013-06-30T23:43:26.740

Reputation: 111

Well? Did you ever figure out how to do it? – Mike Nakis – 2015-07-19T13:30:43.477

Unfortunately not. I gave up on the project years ago, but I'm looking into it now to see if I might be able to try again. – TheWizKid95 – 2015-07-19T18:01:54.370


Possible duplicate of Changing Windows 8 file type icon

– RookieTEC9 – 2015-11-20T02:08:54.093

This link should have your answer. Just set (default) to SHELLFILE, Icon # (remember, the first on is 0 and second is 1 and so on) – RookieTEC9 – 2015-11-20T02:11:19.350

Have you tried asking the apkshellext dev if this is even possible? You can also add something like "Open with 7-zip" to the context menu for .APK files. – Karan – 2013-07-01T01:16:52.130

@Karan I've been trying to play around with the registry, but no luck :/. I'll try to contact the dev if I can't figure anything out. – TheWizKid95 – 2013-07-01T01:23:14.450



It may be possible to use custom icons after associating archives with 7-Zip. Check my Registry entry below for reference. My example is for ISO files which are associated with WinRAR. Eventhough my ISO files are associated with WinRAR, I am able to use a custom file icon for it.


@="ISO image"
@="C:\\Program Files\\WinRAR\\WinRAR.exe \"%1\""

In your case, go to the key:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Android Package File

Then edit the contents of the sub-key: DefaultIcon. If it does not exists, create a sub-key under Android Package File, and name it DefaultIcon.

Now go inside of DefaultIcon and put the full path of your icon file (ico, exe, dll, etc).


Posted 2013-06-30T23:43:26.740

Reputation: 1