Installed minimal CentOS 6.4 in VirtualBox but have no internet?



I just started using the VirtualBox, but I don't seem to have any internet on the CentOS when I type yum update. Is there a solution to my problem? (it could possibly be a problem with misconfigured VirtualBox)

Here is an output of ifconfig.



Posted 2013-06-23T22:01:46.840

Reputation: 576

What is the output of your ifconfig? – Tillman32 – 2013-06-23T22:07:40.183 – Vlad – 2013-06-23T22:10:01.903

Yeah, you have no eth0 - just the loop back. I think I have the answer for you. – Tillman32 – 2013-06-23T22:11:04.290

I have just installed it, it's 100% clean. Maybe I need to configure my VirtualBox? – Vlad – 2013-06-23T22:12:06.693

@user0000001 - Update your question with the screenshot and I will upvote this question. – Ramhound – 2013-09-26T13:29:06.403



Looks like your eth0 is not set up. Here is what I did to fix mine on CentOS 6.4.

sudo su -

cat /etc/sysconfig/network |grep -i network

This should return: NETWORKING=yes - If it does not, then change it to yes.

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

This should look like:


There are a few options that we want to change here, NM_CONTROLLED needs to be NO, ONBOOT needs to be YES, and finally add this code at the bottom:


This will allow you to grab an IP from your DHCP and essentially enable IPV4.

Now the whole file should look like this:


Save and close. Now, lets restart the network service to reload with these settings:

[root@Development ~]# service network restart
Shutting down interface eth0:                              [  OK  ]
Shutting down loopback interface:                          [  OK  ]
Bringing up loopback interface:                            [  OK  ]
Bringing up interface eth0:
Determining IP information for eth0... done.
                                                           [  OK  ]

Notice the ‘eth0′ – awesome! Now lets check to see if we got an IPV4 from our DHCP:


You should now see 'eth0'.


Posted 2013-06-23T22:01:46.840

Reputation: 1 027

For anyone doing this on CentOS 7, you you won't have an eth0. It will be called enp0s3 instead. – Brent Sandstrom – 2017-09-13T19:29:11.300

About to try this. – Vlad – 2013-06-23T22:18:28.467

Did you get it working? – Tillman32 – 2013-06-24T22:17:23.400

Yes sir, it works like a charm. – Vlad – 2013-06-25T00:34:49.673

I am getting an error

– kapitanluffy – 2014-02-07T06:41:55.333

2To me it looks like your virtual box VM is in a bridged mode ( attached to your hosts NIC ) and not getting it's own IP from your DHCP server. ( your router ) You tried to ping a 192.168.X.X address from a different subnet 10.X.X.X. Try to change your VMs NIC settings in virtualbox to NAT or independent. – Tillman32 – 2014-02-18T14:44:59.377

1This worked wonders for me when setting up CentOS in VirtualBox. – Nestor Ledon – 2014-03-10T19:48:36.273


You have no networking configured. you should have enabled it during install (its not obvious, I missed it too during my first minimal-install). Try:

dhclient eth0 # gets you DHCP on en0

This will get you started. Then try:

yum install system-config-network-tui

Which will give you a curses based network config program where you can set things permanently.

Rich Homolka

Posted 2013-06-23T22:01:46.840

Reputation: 27 121

1Awesome, it works. Thanks. Will I have to type the dhclient eth0 each time I reboot my virtual machine? – Vlad – 2013-06-23T22:16:50.430


Btw, getting an error

– Vlad – 2013-06-23T22:18:03.263

No, use the network tool that you just installed with yum to enable DHCP on boot. – Rich Homolka – 2013-06-23T22:18:25.670


I had a similar problem, but all I needed to do was edit the network-script to yes for onboot and restart the network.

Edit the network-script

 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3

 bla bla=bla

Restart network

 systemctl restart network


Posted 2013-06-23T22:01:46.840

Reputation: 41


When you're installing CentOS, on the networking page, there is a button at the bottom left that allows you to configure the network settings. Click edit next to eth0 and find the checkbox to set the network to connect automatically.


Posted 2013-06-23T22:01:46.840

Reputation: 211