How to set the first day of the week in System tray calendar?



How to set the first of the week to be Sunday in the Calendar that is displayed in the System Tray of Windows Vista Home Basic. I tried setting the first day of the week to Sunday in Windows Calendar (thinking that it might work) and yet still it displays the first day of the week to be Monday. Moreover there are not settings available on the System Tray Calendar

Prabhu R

Posted 2009-10-26T18:14:52.607

Reputation: 1 434



Using regedit, browse to HKCU\Control Panel\International, look for the iFirstDayOfWeek key and set the value to 0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday, 2 for Wednesday, etc ...


Posted 2009-10-26T18:14:52.607


4for users with windows 8.1, the correct path is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International. Also to open registory editor, press start button + r simultaneously and type regedit . – Nishant – 2015-01-15T13:51:17.080

For users of Windows 10, @Nishant's comment still holds. – I want to make games – 2017-08-16T15:07:35.067


On Windows 10:

  • Right-click on the Taskbar Clock area. Choose Adjust date/time

  • It opens a dialog, with a Formats section, where there is a display-only summary of options, including First day of week. Click the link Change date and time Formats

  • On the dialog that now appears, you can choose what one you want on the First day of week combobox.


Posted 2009-10-26T18:14:52.607

Reputation: 330


I ran into this exact issue when getting issued a UK-regioned desktop.

You need to go to Control Panel -> Regional and Language Settings and pick a region that starts the week on Sunday, like US.


Posted 2009-10-26T18:14:52.607

Reputation: 8 599

and the downvote on this answer is because ...? – warren – 2014-10-08T16:14:11.483

3To add to this: In Windows 7 this is an independent setting and can be found on the "Date" tab when customizing the locale. – Joey – 2009-10-27T07:40:28.040

good to know - I haven't had a chance to futz with Win7 yet :) – warren – 2009-10-27T07:43:04.870


Just go Regional and Language Settings, there is a combo box: "First day of week:", and you know what to do next...


Posted 2009-10-26T18:14:52.607

Reputation: 69

1very easy: there is no option like that in Windows Vista. – igorsantos07 – 2014-10-07T22:43:34.103

1Hard to understand why this was downvoted. It's a reasonable solution, though maybe not the best one. – Isaac Rabinovitch – 2012-11-23T03:56:14.207


  • If you are on windows 10, here are steps :
    1. Right click on the date and time area on the taskbar
    2. click on properties
    3. in the setting screen, on the upper right hand corner, there will be a search box, type : first
    4. You will see the option change the date and time format. Click On that.
    5. on the next screen, first option will be to change the first day of the week.


Posted 2009-10-26T18:14:52.607

Reputation: 11


By default, windows will show Sunday to Saturday... if you want to change it to Monday to Sunday follow these steps.

Step-1 Open control panel (Windows button+X, Select control panel (P))

Step-2 In Clock, Language and Region select Change date, time, or number format

Step-3 In formats tab go to the first day of week select Monday (or whatever the day you would like to start your week)

Step-4 Press Apply and OK.

Now check your system calendar. it's done :)


Posted 2009-10-26T18:14:52.607

Reputation: 11


Reg script

Adding to user8228's answer:

Create a .reg file with the following content:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[hkey_current_user\control panel\international]


; the change is immediate

Either click on it to be imported using graphical confirmation dialog, or use reg import *.reg command to do the same from the command-line.


  • case doesn't matter except in the first line
  • REG_SZ (string) type is indicated by quotes ("0")
  • double quotes are mandatory as single quotes won't work
  • reg command is the reg.exe executable in %windir%\system32
  • ; is for adding comments (commenting the line) within the reg file


Posted 2009-10-26T18:14:52.607
