Difference in Storages Spaces feature between Windows 2012 Server & Windows 8


So here it goes,

I have a test bed setup, a machine with three harddrives besides the OS drive and installed on this machine is Windows 2012 Server Standard. I have the following Storage Spaces setup -Thin provivsioning -Partity -3x1TB disks

Now I have a dilmma of sorts, If I want to add another disk to the pool it actully isn't added because it requires me to add 3 disks in addition to the already 3 disks in the pool. This is a bit much for a home setup where I just want to be able to add a disk and extend the storage a bit by bit when needed, not to have to go out and buy a bunch of new hard drives.

Most of the information on the internet regarding Storage Spaces is on Windows 8 Pro. The W8 setup has a completely different GUI and on these websites they seem to hint that you can add a single drive to the setup and Storage Spaces magically adjusts and gives a little more room. So for instance I could add a 2TB drive to the setup and expand the storage without needing to buy 3x2TB disks.

Now my question to community is, is the Windows 8 and Windows 2012 implementation of Storage Spaces different in the regard to being able to add drives? And if not, how can I accomplish this?

Snorri Örn Daníelsson

Posted 2013-06-19T23:52:00.237

Reputation: 11

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