Possible to ipconfig release/renew for only one nic?



I've got two NICs in my Windows 8 Pro (x64) box each connected to different networks. I would like to release and renew the DHCP lease for just one of the NICs. So far I can't find any way to do it within the ipconfig command.

Is this possible? (perhaps another command or GUI even)

Similar question here, however I'm asking specifically about release/renew functionality.


Posted 2013-06-13T14:12:02.493

Reputation: 369



Yes you can do this. If you look at ipconfig /? you will see the option for ipconfig /renew [adapter] and ipconfig /release [adapter]. So you just need to know the adapter name by typing ipconfig by itself.


Posted 2013-06-13T14:12:02.493

Reputation: 57 019

Windows 10 adds crap to the adapter name that it shows in ipconfig. For instance, ipconfig shows me an entry for *Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi* but the adapter name that you would supply to ipconfig /renew is just *Wi-Fi*. Remember that it also supports wildcard matches, so I can type ipconfig /renew *Fi which works just as well. – LinuxDisciple – 2016-11-18T03:54:44.580

Thanks, the /? is good to know. – Brack – 2013-06-13T14:25:35.103


ipconfig /release "adapter name"
ipconfig /renew "adapter name"


Posted 2013-06-13T14:12:02.493

Reputation: 157


The name shown by ipconfig is - strangely - not the name you supply to the renew and reconfig options, so get the NetConnectionID of the NIC using this command in a command window to show you the necessary id to use in the next command, matching the MAC address if necessary:

C:\>wmic nic get Name,NetConnectionID,MACAddress
MACAddress         Name                                        NetConnectionID
                   Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
F8:CA:B8:55:7F:A3  Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-LM    Ethernet
10:02:B5:82:71:16  Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265         Wi-Fi
10:02:B5:82:71:1A  Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)    Bluetooth Network Connection

Then use the name in an ipconfig command such as:

C:\> ipconfig /release Wi-Fi
C:\> ipconfig /renew Wi-Fi

In the example above, ipconfig shows the name Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi, but the name to use with ipconfig is just Wi-Fi as discovered from the wmic command.


Posted 2013-06-13T14:12:02.493

Reputation: 478