How do I measure screen width and screen depth?


I would like to know whether you might have a quick program which measures screen width and screen height. For example, starting off reading left to right (or right to left), I would like to know the proportion of the screen being used in terms of: number of pixels used for width / total width of pixels

Jon Camilleri

Posted 2013-06-11T07:43:21.620

Reputation: 1

1What are you trying to achieve? – gronostaj – 2013-06-11T08:03:29.380

1What do you mean by the proportion of the screen being used? Used by what ? – zakinster – 2013-06-11T08:12:51.723

Are you asking what the resolution is? If so, you can find this out in Control Panel -> Display -> Adjust Resolution. – Dave – 2013-06-11T08:43:42.880

1What operating system are you using? – None – 2013-06-11T08:49:40.390



If you are developing in some gui framework there are always hardcoded methods to obtain native width and height of the screen.


Posted 2013-06-11T07:43:21.620

Reputation: 13


If you want to measure the width / heights of applications/graphics etc on screen, search Google for on screen ruler such as Jruler (free). This way, if you have several windows open, you can measure the length/height of each application. Or, on a website, you could measure how wide the left menu is compared to the right menu.


Posted 2013-06-11T07:43:21.620

Reputation: 24 199