I'm trying to download an entire site:
Unfortunately, instead of the standard href
tag, the page uses javascript functions to generate links:
<td><div align="center" dir="rtl">69821</div></td>
<td onclick='go2("69821");' style="text-decoration:none;color:blue;cursor:pointer;word-wrap:nowrap"><div align="right" dir="rtl"> </div></td>
<td style="text-decoration:none;color:blue;cursor:pointer;word-wrap:nowrap"><div align="center" dir="ltr">1</div></td>
I've tried wget
and downthemall
, but they can't handle this kind of linking mechanism.
How do I download an entire site with js links instead of href
Possibly related: http://superuser.com/questions/577102/save-website-containing-javascript-after-it-was-interpreted
– gronostaj – 2013-06-10T07:45:07.397I fear there will be no solution available. Those links are homebrewed (somehow pretty evil) and following them would require the downloader to have a JavaScript engine which runs the code and checks for
window.location =
or any other means of redirection. I doubt that such a program exists (especially that parsing JavaScript part). – Bobby – 2013-06-10T11:18:24.723Related question about JS links: How to open stubborn javascript links in a new tab or new window?
– Karan – 2013-06-10T17:50:13.350I'm also looking for a way to get wget to follow "javascript links". But it doesn't have to be as complicated as having a javascript engine! Is it possible to apply custom transformations to the downloaded html files, for instance "javascript='open(343)'" → "article.php?id=343" ? – Manu – 2014-05-18T10:17:16.260