Restoring a split image created by dcfldd



Say an image is generated by dcfldd using the following command:

dcfldd if=/dev/sourcedrive hash=md5,sha256 hashwindow=10G md5log=md5.txt \
sha256log=sha256.txthashconv=after bs=512 conv=noerror,sync split=10G \
splitformat=aa of=driveimage.dd

This would create a series of 10GB images named driveimage.dd.aa, driveimage.dd.ab, etc.

What would be the command to restore the split image to the source drive? I'm hoping it would be as simple as:

dcfldd if=driveimage.dd of=/dev/sourcedrive

Would dcfldd then automatically detect all files in the directory containing driveimage.dd and stitch them together again?


Posted 2013-06-06T02:28:12.237

Reputation: 41



You can recombine the images easily with cat, and pipe that to dcfldd to get the nice status output.

cat driveimage.dd.* | dcfldd of=/dev/sourcedrive

Nick Harbour

Posted 2013-06-06T02:28:12.237

Reputation: 1

Okay, thanks! That makes sense and puts my mind at rest. – lachlanroy – 2013-06-06T05:15:48.743