How can I prevent Supertab to try completion even if I just want to enter a tab?


Even when I have an empty buffer in vim, supertab tries to do a completion at the begining. How can I configure supertab to only try tab-completion if there's a character?


Posted 2013-05-23T14:10:42.270

Reputation: 249



Supertab triggers insert-mode completion only when there is non-whitespace text before the cursor. Behind whitespace, or at the beginning of a line, a <Tab> character should be inserted. Something's wrong with your setup.

Note that you can always insert a literal <Tab> with <C-v><Tab> (on Windows, you may have to use <C-q>).

Ingo Karkat

Posted 2013-05-23T14:10:42.270

Reputation: 19 513

Any ideas what could cause this problem? – AME – 2013-05-23T14:45:25.407

A new git checkout solved the problem. – AME – 2013-05-23T16:07:33.873

Ah, great you've solved it! So it was likely script corruption?! I couldn't think of any reason, sorry. – Ingo Karkat – 2013-05-23T16:08:55.870

I have no clue. I can't remember changing anything in the git module. however pulling did nothing but removing the module and checking out a fresh copy helped. :) – AME – 2013-05-25T14:34:37.027


I had the same problem. I have used the old version of snipmate (the version maintained by msanders). When I updated to this version maintained by garbas and others the problem has gone.

(I have tried to remove supertab and clone again. This alone had not fixed the problem.)

Arpad Horvath

Posted 2013-05-23T14:10:42.270

Reputation: 135

This answer led me to the snipmate fork FAQ. I didn't need to re-clone supertab, but an old snipmate was my problem too.

– sappjw – 2015-01-19T14:09:17.220