Always allow microphone usage in Google Chrome



Is there a way to always allow Google Chrome to use my microphone and camera for a certain site? I like using the new Google Voice Search but whenever I click the mic button it asks if Chrome is allowed to use my mic, how can I set it to always allow?

William L.

Posted 2013-05-16T15:33:20.157

Reputation: 171

I don't think that there is a way. It's a security thing. – Beefy_Swain – 2013-05-16T16:00:56.103



If you are connected to the site via HTTS the grant is permanent, if you use HTTP, you are asked each time.

Probably it is a security measure to prevent users who spoof the URL of a website you have previously authorized to use the camera.

But it sucks.


Posted 2013-05-16T15:33:20.157

Reputation: 191


  • Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
  • Select Settings.
  • Click Show advanced settings.
  • In the Privacy section, click Content settings.
  • Under Media, Click Manage exceptions to remove previously-granted permissions for specific sites.


Posted 2013-05-16T15:33:20.157

Reputation: 2 436


Simple, when you click Allow, it will add it to a safe list of sites. In order to save the to the safe list, you must be logged into your google account.

I thought I was logged in, but I actually wasnt logged into the browser. Log into the browser and click allow and it will save Google in the safe list for the future.


Posted 2013-05-16T15:33:20.157

Reputation: 101


This is not certain, google is using a lock for some distros, and you cant enable the search engine with the mic with google voice, the browser will take this like a non authorized action.


Posted 2013-05-16T15:33:20.157

Reputation: 1

Hello and welcome to Your answer is difficult to understand. Could you rewrite it using complete and elaborating sentences? It would improve your answer greatly. – Mogget – 2013-11-04T08:46:39.977