How do I make Chrome forget a "no" to geolocation on a site?



I'm not sure where the problem lies, as for the page I am developing I can't remember giving a "no" to geospatial information, but through whatever means I have a Chrome installation that is acting on a refusal to share geospatial information.

How can I clear Chrome's memory that I at some point rejected permission to geospatial information? Will some form of "clear browser data" give me a fresh slate?


Christos Hayward

Posted 2013-05-05T15:13:02.030

Reputation: 753



  • Click the Chrome menu Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.

  • Select Settings.

  • Click Show advanced settings.

  • In the "Privacy" section, click Content settings.

  • In the dialog that appears, scroll down to the "Location" section.

  • Click Manage exceptions.


Also be sure to check all other Privacy and Content settings for default behavior.


Posted 2013-05-05T15:13:02.030

Reputation: 646

1For information, when you use Chrome for Android, you have to open Chrome's menu, tap "Settings", "Content settings", "Web sites settings", then search for the website in the list and tap to open it, then finally check or uncheck "Access to my position". If you want Chrome to forget a "no", you have to check and uncheck it, which will cause Chrome to remove the saved decision (the site doesn't appear in the list anymore). – pomeh – 2014-09-17T12:45:09.817

TLDR: Paste chrome://settings/content/location in address bar, then follow last step in above list – riper – 2018-04-29T10:36:45.787

1And your response didn't just provide the option of clearing a setting; it also let me see that I had provided geolocation to the site in question. – Christos Hayward – 2013-05-05T15:52:29.383


You can probably just change your setting by clicking the site icon:

enter image description here

Der Hochstapler

Posted 2013-05-05T15:13:02.030

Reputation: 77 228


If previous answers don't solve your problem, is possible you were using Chrome 50+ on a HTTP not secure domain. This article explains why Chrome fails while detecting geolocation and how to detect when this is happening:

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(success) { /* Do some magic. */ },
  function(failure) {
    if(failure.message.indexOf("Only secure origins are allowed") == 0) {
      // Chrome 50+, no HTTP domain.

Leopoldo Sanczyk

Posted 2013-05-05T15:13:02.030

Reputation: 123