I have a folder that I am unable to delete.
I also cannot take ownership.
The hard drive is one I have previously used in another PC, if this makes any difference.
When trying to take ownership it says it cannot display the current owner and when trying to take ownership selecting any group says access denied.
I've also tried via the command line using takeown however this too says Access Denied.
Windows 7, and I am logged in as an administrator.
Karan's advice is particularly good for folders with thousands of files because rebooting to Linux is much faster than waiting for take ownership to complete. – ndemou – 2017-06-15T22:05:24.633
1If you need to delete it and Windows is not allowing you to do so, boot from a Linux Live CD/USB and get rid of the folder. – Karan – 2013-05-05T20:27:51.673
Is it on an external drive? USB or similar? – Burhan Khalid – 2014-01-30T14:40:02.837