Error when validating formula



I am trying to create a field to convert currencies from one of 2 fields, thus I am putting the following code in "Default Value" as I want this field to be open for my manual input too:

=iif([£ Price]>[$ Price],EuroConvert([£ Price],[GBP],[EUR]),iif([$ Price]>[£ Price],EuroConvert([$],[USD],[EUR]),"0"))

MS Access is giving me this error anytime I try to save the table:

The Database engine could not recognize either the field "£ Price" in the validation expression, or the default value in the table "Table Name".

Worst of all, MS Access isn't providing anything in its knowledge-base about it. Also:

  • I don't have anything in "validation rule"
  • And this is the only "Default Value" Expression I used.

Mark Said Camilleri

Posted 2013-04-30T18:19:25.637

Reputation: 353

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