Network usage monitor for linux for specific hours?


I need a network usage monitor for linux like vnStat that have the ability to turn off metering at specific hours.

I have a broadband connection with limited and unlimited bandwidth respect to time. I have unlimited internet during 2.00am to 8.00am and limited internet of 2.5GB per month during other times. So if I use vnStat, i cannot count the actual usage of my 2.5GB (which is from 0800 to 0200). While I was in windows, I used networx which did the job perfectly. I cannot find an alternatives in linux. I used that in linux using wine, it works fine but I need to install wine for this single 2mb executable.

I like to know about alternatives in linux or some trick like startup-shell-script to make vnStat or any other work only at my hours.

I am using ubuntu 13.04 (gnome-shell) .

Arun Babu

Posted 2013-04-29T11:31:23.250

Reputation: 41



I'm currently using Networx on Windows, and am also looking for similar solution for Ubuntu.

The best I have found so far is BitMeter OS:


Posted 2013-04-29T11:31:23.250

Reputation: 101

this one also doesnt have the ability to turn off monitoring at specified interval. – Arun Babu – 2013-11-03T09:05:16.127


You can use answered by me on the question on askubuntu Is it possible to set on-peak and off-peak hours in vnstat for monitoring bandwidth. It uses 2 databases for normal and night (2-8 AM) usage.


Posted 2013-04-29T11:31:23.250

Reputation: 832