Is there a way to sync my todo list with my desktop & iPhone/iPod touch?



I currently use Thunderbird/Lightning for my calendar. It syncs great with Google Calendar which syncs with my iPod touch. Now I want the same kind of process for a task list.

I like remember the milk, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do a two-way sync on Lightning/Sunbird. I have used the plugin for sunbird, but its kind of buggy and doesn't work with the nightly of it which I use because I find it to be more stable then the latest stable release.

I know about the remember the milk desktop applications, but I am looking for just one application to do everything.

Erik L

Posted 2009-10-22T00:57:34.967

Reputation: 203



I had the same problem as you, I wanted something smooth and quick which ran on both my iPhone and my Computer. The solution I found, was Google Tasks. The problem with this, however, is that it requires internet to be present, so you would need an iPhone with working 3G/GPRS when you need to add something on the go!

It has a complete iPhone interface!

Whenever you need it on your computer in a simple interface, I suggest using the mobile version here as well.


Posted 2009-10-22T00:57:34.967

Reputation: 630


There also looks to be a solution for offline tasks with that:

– Erik L – 2009-11-28T20:18:18.937


One option if you don't mind a mostly desktop-based todo list, I would suggest looking into Things. Beautiful interface, easy syncing between desktop and i(phone|pod) and it syncs with iCal. It may be able to be tweaked to fit into lighting/sunbird. This is of course dependent on you using a mac as your computer. Otherwise, just ignore this whole post.


Posted 2009-10-22T00:57:34.967

Reputation: 271