How to fix send to menu in Windows 8?


I've recently bought an Windows 8-powered notebook and since first start I have problems with context send-to menu.

Look at the screenshot.

Broken send-to

The folder displays contents of my shell:sendto folder. But despite all usual items are present, the send to menu consists only of "send e-mail".

How can I fix it?

Edit: In response to comments:

Contents of Desktop.ini of this folder:

Fax Recipient.lnk=@%SystemRoot%\system32\FXSRESM.dll,-120
Mail Recipient.MAPIMail=@sendmail.dll,-4
Desktop (create shortcut).DeskLink=@sendmail.dll,-21
Compressed (zipped) Folder.ZFSendToTarget=@zipfldr.dll,-10148
Transfer plików Bluetooth.LNK=@C:\Windows\System32\fsquirt.exe,-2343


Posted 2013-04-22T17:57:40.097

Reputation: 265

Thanks for the answer, but it won't help. I already have such entry in System Registry... – Spook – 2013-04-22T18:09:02.170

Right click and check properties. If those entries are set as hidden they do not appear in the context menu. – Afzal – 2013-04-22T18:46:43.273

They are not. Right click on the bluetooth icon hangs permanently this window of Explorer, though. – Spook – 2013-04-22T18:52:08.323

Can you post the content of your Desktop.ini file in that particular directory please? – Afzal – 2013-04-22T18:52:55.937

Sure, I've edited my post. – Spook – 2013-04-22T19:08:13.000

Try sfc /scannow in an elevated command-prompt and report back after its done (do a restart after its done). I cannot think of anything else. – Afzal – 2013-04-22T19:10:09.410

Will the following appear in the SendTo menu: Once you're in the SendTo folder create a new i.e. New Document.txt but then rename that to Desktop (create shortcut).DeskLink ? – Darius – 2013-04-22T19:18:35.330

After an attempt to use Bluetooth, Windows crashed with a bluescreen. Oddly enough, after a restart, all options suddenly appeared in the Send To menu. Now, when I add another option, as you suggested, it appears in the menu immediately. I'm also able to call properties on a bluetooth send-to link. That's weird. – Spook – 2013-04-22T19:57:58.250



Chance are that your sendto folder is corrupted. (You can use shell:sendto in Run to locate)

If that is the case, you can fix it using Advanced System Care.

Check the page Search for IE Helper. IE Helper will help you restore your default context menu.

Caution : Since the OS language is not English, there is a risk that ASC will tamper with your registries regarding contect menu incorrectly.


Posted 2013-04-22T17:57:40.097

Reputation: 505