How to force Windows 7 to find files that has the text I am searching in their name?


I remember clearly either XP or Windows 7 worked like this because. Basically if I were to search for "replace" in a folder, it shows "No files".

But if I search for "*replace", then it shows 2 files:


Is this normal? I know how to use wildcards but this should be the default behavior. How can I force Windows 7 to search like this so it always finds files that has the text I am searching for, anywhere in their name. Because that's all I care.

Joan Venge

Posted 2013-04-19T04:02:08.187

Reputation: 1 134


use 3rd party searches. The Search is crap since Vista. I use this tool:

– magicandre1981 – 2013-04-19T04:38:21.137

1Thanks, I will download it. Shame that MS can't even get this right with all their money and power. – Joan Venge – 2013-04-19T06:00:23.597



It sounds to me like the search settings have been modified. By default, they are set to show partial matches.

To change search settings, go to Tools -> Folder Options. On the Search tab, under "How to Search", check the "Find partial matches" checkbox.

As for @magicandre1981's assertion that it is crap, I disagree. If you do not have it set to indexing, it may be slow, but it is accurate, and in my experience works well.


Posted 2013-04-19T04:02:08.187

Reputation: 599

Thanks, I didn't modify the search settings. I just looked at them and Find partial matches was checked. But it still doesn't find partial matches, it's very frustrating because I thought the files didn't exist, but they do. – Joan Venge – 2013-04-19T13:33:21.437


I actually agree 100% with @magicandre1981's evaluation of Win7 Search. It can't do even relatively simple things easily, and as for complex searches the less said the better. I'd ditch AQS (which I bet 99% people haven't even heard of, let alone used) in a heartbeat if simple regex was supported instead.

– Karan – 2013-04-19T16:33:26.387