EGit (Eclipse) wrongly interpreting file names with non-ASCII characters?


I recently switched to using a Git repository within Eclipse (Juno SR2), using EGit. In our project, some file names contains umlauts and other special non-ASCII-characters. On the command line, git status show no changes, workspace clean, but Eclipse marks those files as changed:enter image description here

How can I make Eclipse/EGit use the correct encoding for filenames? I tried setting LANG, file.encoding and the git config svn.pathnameencoding all to no avail. And again, on the command line there are no such errors.

Stefan Seidel

Posted 2013-04-18T13:55:14.543

Reputation: 8 812

6Did you try setting the workspace encoding to UTF-8? Or whatever the file name encoding is like?

On which OS are you working? – Bertram Nudelbach – 2013-08-05T06:42:45.683

2Did you set any encoding In Window -> Preferences ->General->Content types ? Did you close and then reopen the file after changing the encoding in Window -> Preferences -> Workspace -> Text file encoding ? – None – 2013-10-20T01:52:53.040

1What operating system? – ctrl-alt-delor – 2013-11-19T22:17:11.700

Which encoding are you trying to use? – SamB – 2014-01-21T01:41:10.130



Try installing Aptana Git. I prefer that one.

Help > Install New Software > Aptana Studio -

It will actually install a great deal of plugins, mostly for web development, but I don't see a way to install the Git plugin separately.

Then go to your project > Navigator > Project > Right Click > Team > Disconnect > Right Click > Team > Share Project > Aptana Git > Next > Finish

This is what the commit screen looks like:



Posted 2013-04-18T13:55:14.543

Reputation: 4 502

1This is indeed a funny answer: If your plugin for the IDE you are using is not working, choose another IDE. BTW: There are people which are using Eclipse for other Development - Tasks rather then Web /JS/ HTML. ;) – Peter – 2014-01-08T21:05:21.403

@Peter Glad I could entertain. However, it's a different plugin, not a different IDE. – Chloe – 2014-01-08T22:08:42.207

So it's integrating good with Eclipse rather then the Aptana Studio which was build on top of Eclipse? And supports latest versions of Eclipse? This questions arise to me when using plugins of Vendors maintaining their own Eclipse - based IDE. – Peter – 2014-01-08T22:19:21.653

@Peter Yes Aptana is just another plugin. I'm using latest Eclipse (at the time) Kepler. You can download entire Eclipse from vendors with the plugins pre-installed or vanilla Eclipse and install them manually (which is what I did after Android Developer Kit flaked out and I had to re-install). – Chloe – 2014-01-08T22:28:32.353

Okay, because I used Aptana Studio standanlone a year ago and wasn't too satisfied because some of the capabilities related to JS weren't as sophisticated as in Netbeans, e.g.. – Peter – 2014-01-08T22:31:21.330

So that's why I putted the Git - Plugin into this context and concerned about having issues. But being unsatisfied with EGit, too, perhaps I will give it a try. – Peter – 2014-01-08T22:32:25.740